Edmonton Deals Blog is back!

Sorry for the all the temporary downtime lately (2nd time in 10 days). I’ve been having some issues with Blogger because their automated system keeps mistakenly marking the blog as violating their Terms of Service when it clearly doesn’t.

Hello, We have received your appeal regarding your blog https://www.edmontondealsblog.com/. Upon further review we have determined that your blog was mistakenly marked as a TOS violator by our automated system and, as such, we have reinstated your blog. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the meantime and thank you for your patience as we completed our review process. Thank you for for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team

I hope this doesn’t happen again in the future, but if it doesn’t please be patient as I’ll work hard on getting it back up ASAP. I’m looking into moving blog over to Word Press so this no longer happens.

Thanks again for your understanding and for reading and supporting my blog.

Raymond Lau
Edmonton Deals Blog