Health Zinergy: $35 for One or $95 for Three V-Steam Sessions (Up to 51% Off)

Today’s Groupon Edmonton Daily Deal of the Day: Health Zinergy: $35 for One or $95 for Three V-Steam Sessions (Up to 51% Off)

Buy now from only $35
Value $65
Discount 46% Off

About This Deal

  • V-Steam is a special, non-invasive treatment for the nether regions. It utilizes warm, herb-infused steam which is intended to support healing various issues such as cramps, fibroid cysts, infections like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections and other gynecological issues. It also helps balance hormones, prevents bloating, and boosts fertility. Can be used as postpartum aftercare as well.

This is a limited time offer while quantities last so don’t miss out!

Click here to buy now or for more details about the deal.

Fine Print
Promotional value expires 120 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Appointment required. Merchant’s standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed voucher price). Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days. Valid only for option purchased. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

Health Zinergy
10235-124 Street Suite 1105, Edmonton, AB T5N 1P9

Health Zinergy specializes in the vaginal steaming – a non-invasive, relaxing treatment that helps keep the womb healthy, reduces the discomfort and bloating associated with menstruation, detoxifies, and supports healing infections caused by bacteria and yeast. Skilled technicians customize herbal blends to meet individual needs and address issues that affect each particular client. To make the treatment as non-invasive as possible they also use all-natural feminine intimate washes and all-natural sanitary pads and pantyliners.

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!