SwarmJam: Sweet Daily Deals in Edmonton

I’ve been following SwarmJam.com for a while now and decided it was time to finally feature their daily deals on the blog. SwarmJam is owned by PostMedia Network Inc. who is the largest publisher of daily newspapers in Canada, representing some of the country’s oldest and best known media brands. Just to give you an idea, here’s a small sample of some the newspapers that PostMedia Network owns: National Post, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, The Vancouver Sun, The Province, The Gazette, etc…)!

With that kind of support and reach in Canada, it’s just a matter of time before SwarmJam grows and becomes one of the biggest daily deals sites in Canada.

One feature that I really like about SwarmJam is their cool Members Rewards Points program. You can collect and earn points whenever you log into their site, purchases items and refer friend! You can then use the points to bid and win free stuff! For example, they are currently auctioning off 15 Starbucks gift cards.

I encourage you to take a look at SwarmJam.com and checkout their deals. I will be posting and featuring SwarmJam’s deals on the blog.

Click here to check out SwarmJam.com and see see their daily deals in Edmonton.

Enjoy! Press the “Like button” at the top of this post if you like this deal and to share it with friends and family.